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We have compiled the following list of online resources to help you get started using the newspaper in your classroom. Here you can find newspaper-related lesson plans, classroom activities, general information on newspapers and journalism, some helpful links for getting information on common newspaper subjects, and much more for all age groups:


bulletLesson plans and teaching activities
bulletStudent newspaper resources
bulletJournalism and newspaper resources
bulletAdditional useful teaching links

Of course, once you have spent some time with the newspaper in your classroom, we're sure you'll develop your own great ideas. As you find activities that get your students excited, be sure to share them with other local teachers. You can e-mail them to us at, or post them in the Faculty Lounge.


Lesson plans and teaching activities

Newspaper activities for teaching K-4
These learning activities will give you lots of ideas for making the most of the newspaper in your elementary classroom. The activities are updated weekly.

Newspaper activities for teaching 5-8
These learning activities will give you lots of ideas for making the most of the newspaper in your middle school classroom. The activities are updated weekly.

Newspaper activities for teaching 9-12
These learning activities will give you lots of ideas for making the most of the newspaper in your high school classroom. The activities are updated weekly.

Timeless ideas
This long list of ideas will help you get started on finding fun and creative ways to use the newspaper in your classroom.

Greek Newspaper Project
A lesson plan with printable handouts that guides students in making a newspaper about ancient Greece.

It's News to Me
Students can use the internet to create their own newspaper. After reviewing the online paper students can then create their own.
Grade Level: Primary

Make Your Classroom Newspaper
Seem complicated? Not with this lesson which gives you easy to follow directions to make this activity a success.
Middle school

Newspaper Icosahedron
Directions for constructing a gigantic Icosahedron using newspaper in your classroom.

Organization of a Newspaper and the Parts of a News Article
Students learn about the newspaper as they practice summarizing fairy tales.
Grade Level: 3,4,5,6,7,8

Stop Press! Newspaper Headlines
Students will be expected to read a newspaper article with the title removed and write an appropriate one for it.

Twenty-Five Great Ideas for Teaching about Current Events
A collection of intercurricular activity ideas related to current events. Students practice listening skills, map locations of events, and locate adjectives in new articles.

AskERIC Lesson Plans in Journalism
Lessons on interviewing (questioning skills) and making a class newspaper.
Grade Level: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

Daily Lesson Plan
Get a new current event article and lesson plan every day from The New York Times.

Newspaper Nouns
Working as a team, students use the newspaper to find different types of nouns, which they group and label.
Grade Level: Middle school

Teaching Science Using the Newspaper
Here are 20 ideas for intermediate+ students.

The Write Site
The Write Site is an interactive language arts and journalism project for middle school students and teachers.
Grade Level: 6,7,8

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Student newspaper resources

Highwired National Edition
Highwired National Edition is a news site that showcases the writing of high-school journalists nationwide and around the world. The site also offers space for schools to publish school newspapers on-line and create special Web sites for extracurricular activity groups, clubs, and individual classrooms to publish student writing on the Web!
Grade Level: 7,8,9,10,11,12 offers students opportunities to publish their writing on the Web. The site is dedicated to providing a free, safe environment for wordsmiths -- students and teachers. Every submission is edited and reviewed before posting.
Grade Level: 3,4,5,6,7,8

High School News and Graphics
High School News and Graphics has four main information categories: In Brief, College Headlines, Student Opinions, and Sports. School Newspapers can download comics and editorial cartoons. Updated weekly.
Grade Level: 9,10,11,12

Campus Weblines
Campus Weblines, published as part of the New York Times Learning Network, offers teachers and students the information and tools they need to publish online school newspapers.
Grade Level: 9,10,11,12

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Journalism and newspaper resources

Journalism 101
Developed by the Dayton Daily News, these pages offer a brief synopsis of US journalism history, ethics, design, writing, photography and interviewing.

The ASNE High School Journalism Project
Presented by the American Society of Newspaper Editors, this site offers resources for students, teachers and editors of high school newspapers, as well as lesson plans and articles that will help you teach the principles and practice of journalism to high school students.

Columbia Journalism Review
A trade publication for working journalists, CJR offers insight into the ethical and practical issues reporters and editors face.

Cyber Newseum
Journalism teachers and students as well as anyone interested in the news can use this site to learn how the media has covered certain historic and current events. The Cyber Newseum also showcases award-winning photojournalism and editorial cartoons.
Grade Level: 6,7,8,9,10,11,12

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Additional useful teaching links

The EcEdWeb site provides resources for teaching economics in classrooms from kindergarten to college. Included are lesson plans, a list of important concepts for students to learn by grade levels, and a comprehensive list of links to outside resources.
Grade Level: K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

A Guided Tour of the Visible Human
Get up close and personal with an inside look at the anatomy of the human body. This tour will give students or interested adults the opportunity to find details about any organ in the human body. The images have been annotated and interactively linked so users may click on each organ to learn more.
Grade Level: 9,10,11,12

History Buff's
This is one hot-off-the-press American History site! History Buff's is an awesome archive of media coverage of American historic events and includes an extensive, searchable library of both newspapers and sound clips.
Grade Level: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

HistoryWired offers a virtual tour of a large collection of objects from the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.
Grade Level: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 KIDS' ALMANAC
At this information-rich site, kids can get help on their homework assignments by visiting the Homework Center or Homework Helper. They'll find useful tips on frequently assigned topics or may submit questions to an Infoplease editor. Answers are posted back to the site. Subjects are sorted by category to make finding information easy.
Grade Level: 4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12

The ABCs of the Writing Process
Are you looking for tips and suggestions for teaching the writing process? This site provides an overview of each stage of the process. Users will find sources of inspiration, tips, and links to printable graphic organizers and prewriting strategies in the Prewriting section. The Writing section includes tips for writing a rough draft and moving from the prewriting stage to writing. Methods and tips for revising, an editing checklist, publishing tips and suggestions, and annotated links to curricular resources are included.
Grade Level: K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

Communication Skills Writing Program
This is an excellent writing resource for students and teachers. The Students' Resources section is filled with information on plagiarism, use of quotations, and the style for citing resources.
Grade Level: 9,10,11,12

Math in Daily Life
This site explores important mathematical concepts as they apply to everyday life. It is a part of the Annenberg/CPB Project Exhibits Collection. It gives students a reason to learn about probability, exponential growth, and ratios in a practical way that will make sense to them. Whether they choose to buy or lease a car, redecorate a house, save for retirement, cook up a gourmet meal, or place their bets, math will affect the decisions they make.
Grade Level: 9,10,11,12

World Almanac for Kids Online
This is the companion site to the print version of The World Almanac for Kids. It is a rich resource for elementary students looking for information on animals, environment, inventions, nations, presidents, religion, and more.
Grade Level: K,1,2,3,4,5,6

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